Commission:Cold red eyes
My secund commission for ; her OC. Thank you dear for commissions me again!
(I love albino characters^^)
First comm

От - Original post 28Aug2012
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Commission:Cold red eyes
My secund commission for ; her OC. Thank you dear for commissions me again!
(I love albino characters^^)
First comm
Wet demonic maids at the Sea
Title says everything xDD
(like for me censore isn't really need, but well...:/)
Btw, did you read 169 chapter of Beelzebub?it's so cool!Go Furuichi, gooo!!!( even if you will be in big trouble after that everything I guess)
Piosenka jaka mi pasuje do tego to oczywiście Bogini Seksu
(a po takiej ilości cycków będę się musiała zabrać za rysowanie jakiejś gejnej rozpusty, żeby zachować jakąś równowage psychiczną)
Hildegarda, Yolda, Izabella from Beelzebub(c)Ryūhei Tamura DO NOT USE MY ART WITHOUT PERMISSION!
Commission for GypsyLure
Commission for ; her and her friend OCs. Thank you for commissions me!
Swim baby!
♪ ♫♪ W dni gorące non-stop świeci słońce, tak wyglądają letnie miesiące... nagrzane bloki, miejsca ciekawsze... żeby tylko picie było tańsze... ♫ ♪ [link]
Hehe, I love summer fanservice (and group pictures)
Poor Furuichi, he thinks that he's in heaven, but hell is coming...xDD
(I'm listening this [link] now)
Characters from Beelzebub(c) belongs to Ryūhei Tamura DO NOT USE MY ART WITHOUT PERMISSION!
TAKASUGI!!! with Kalash
I wanted draw him long time ago and finally I did it. I very like how it look, I hope You will like it too^^
(uh... I should back to drawing commission now
Takasugi from Gintama(c)Hideaki Sorachi
Few song, which I think fit to this paintig (and more, which not fit, but I like them xD):
[link] - jak to usłyszałam, to myślę sobie, ja mam totalnie słowiańską duszę! xD
Miłego nadchodzącego Święta Wojska Polskiego! DO NOT USE MY ART WITHOUT PERMISSION!
Kuroko no Basket
My first fanart for Kuroko no harem basket xD I drew it, when I just started watching anime, so I didn't know to many characters. Now, I can tell my fav is Aomine, so You can expect him on the next fanart^^
Anyway, I never thought, that I can like so much anime about sports... O_O
Characters from KnB (c) Tadatoshi Fujimaki DO NOT USE MY ART WITHOUT PERMISSION!
Commission for Aya
My secund commission for (her Oc and Kakashi)
Character form Naruto(c)Masashi Kishimoto
A lot of experiments on my presently fav guinea pigs^^ the most imprtant of them- slim lineart!My normal fat lineart looks like making by rusted hatchet... (but it's not mean I don't like them)...
Never mind; I read today 165 chapter and... HOLY MOTHER OF BEELZEBUB!!!(ups!I didn't want make a spoiler!!)
Oga and Furuichi brom Beelzebub belongs to Ryuuhei Tamura
Role reversal
Poor Baby Beel, he don't know what is going on... xD (I also don't know really ...)
This idea appears in my head long time ago and did't want die natural death, so I finally find a little time for drawing and you can see it xD heh, my mind is full of things like that xDD
Even little Alaindelon is here!
Characters from Beelzebub(c) belongs to Ryuuhei Tamura DO NOT USE MY ART WITHOUT PERMISSION!
Btw, od jakiegoś czasu uczę się rastrować i ciągle mam wrażenie, że wszystko robię jakąś okrężną, bardziej skomplikowaną drogą :/
Kanzaki sempai
I made few experiments on this drawing, not all of them comes out good:/ for really I failed at beginning, because I choose too small canvas size
...but it's still my lovely Kanzaki
Kanzaki Hajime from Beelzebub belongs to my master Ryuuhei Tamura
(btw, this [link] I have on my desktop now )